On the road again…on the Inca trail

Well it’s taken a while but, we are finally back on the road. Now to finish the worldwide odyssey we started in January 2017. Having hit the pause button in California in July 2017 we are now heading to South America to complete our original itinerary.

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Return to Vietnam

Returning to places for which you hold fond memories always risks a newer, lesser, reality erasing them. This is especially so in Asia where the pace of change can radically alter older parts of city’s where the essential character of a place is to be found. So, with some trepidation we have returned to Vietnam for extended stays at two of our favourite places (Hoi An and Hanoi).

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Cambodia and Laos

Having worked and travelled extensively in some SE Asian countries over the past 15 years (especially Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Malaysia), we are keen to visit some new places on this year-long adventure. Cambodia and Laos are hardly adventurous destinations for tourists these days but, we were looking forward to them having read some great research by our good friend Colin.

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The top of the world – Nepal


The physical impact of the massive earthquake that hit east of Nepal’s capital Kathmandu on 25th April 2015 is everywhere to be seen in damaged buildings. Invisible to tourists is the human impact: 9000 dead and 22,000 injured.  An aftershock hit on May 12th killing a further 153 and injuring 3200.

By comparison the experiences of individual tourists are trivial. Collectively, of course, tourists have a valued role to play in providing revenues to help Nepal recover. Continue reading “The top of the world – Nepal”